Businessman With Hope.
Young businessman with hope in the city.

Wishing Is For Losers


Sometimes I get emails like this:

“Chastin, thank you for all the value you provide us as agents. It has really helped me get started in real estate. Honestly, I wish I was like you. You have so much knowledge and I feel like I’m lacking. I have not made hardly any money and I don’t know what to do. Do you have any advice for me?”

First off, I want to say that you’re not alone. 
Secondly. thank you for your kind words
Thirdly: STOP WISHING! Wishing is for losers. 

I want you to stop wishing and start DOING. It’s not about being like me or being like someone else. 

I started with nothing! We all have to start somewhere. 

Here’s what I suggest, pick your head up and stop listening and hanging around whoever you are that’s making you feel like you’re lacking. You obviously need to surround yourself with people who are pouring positivity and motivation into you so that you won’t even think those thoughts. 

Next, get in my coaching for 1 month. That’s 30 days.

Let me transform you. Not only mindset and thoughts but let me transform your income. 

I don’t believe in not having guidance and you shouldn’ either.

The things I go over in the Power Unit are specifically designed to help people in your exact position. 

Nothing is off limits. 

So this should help you. 

You know I always encourage people to write me emails back or send me DM’s but this question is one that I receive so often and I felt the need to answer it publically. 

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