Got this interesting question about staying on track.
“Yo Chastin, Why is it that I feel like I’m failing? Is there a way to get back up on track man because I’ve been feeling down?” I wanted to answer this question publically because I feel like many real estate agents find themselves feeling like this. Here’s my answer– broken down.
First, figure out what track you are on. As a real estate agent, there are so many roads you can take. Any road or track you take, you hope it will bring you the success that you’re looking for. Unfortunately, that’s the problem. Many agents don’t know exactly what they want to do. Therefore, we keep trying things hoping that they will work. Well, that’s not the solution. The solution is to pick a track and make it work. Which brings me to my next point–This is a long play.
No real estate agents career is built overnight. It takes time and it takes some serious patience. Think about it, even when you get a client, it takes time and patience to get them closed and for you to receive a paycheck. That is everything in this business. You must choose a patch and stick it out. Choose an activity and focus on it for an extended amount of time and make it work.
The last part of the question I want to tackle is having the feeling of discouragement. When there is something that you are passionate about, there is nothing that can stop you. You may hit a few speed bumps in the road. You may have to move a few mountains out of your way. But, you know that this is for you and nothing will stop you. Keep that in mind.
Sometimes when I need motivation, I just look at other successful agents. I watch them, I study their techniques, I enroll in their programs or courses. I’m constantly learning. When you are constantly learning, you constantly have things to do. That keeps you motivated.