MarketingStaying Ahead in Real Estate: The Power of Real Estate Market Analysis Chastin MilesSeptember 28, 202394 views Navigating the dynamic and complex field of real estate can at times feel like working through a never-ending… 0 Shares 0 0
MarketingThe Power of Market Analysis: How to Gain the Competitive Edge in Real Estate Chastin MilesSeptember 18, 2023124 views Do you ever ponder on what propels the real estate market? While it’s easy to attribute it to… 0 Shares 0 0
real estate marketing calendarReal Estate Marketing Calendar: How to Create and Utilize One Effectively Chastin MilesJuly 9, 2023136 views Create a real estate marketing calendar to stay organized, maximize your efforts, and generate more leads. Follow these steps to define goals, identify your target audience, research marketing channels, plan activities, and track campaigns. 0 Shares 0 0