I unknowingly passed my real estate exam on the first try. I’m to saying this to brag but to hopefully offer some advice to anyone who is about to take the real estate salesperson exam. The test was by no means easy, but by you reading this, you should know how to prepare better. Here are 5 things I learned from taking the real estate exam. By the way, I took the exam in Texas. I can’t necessarily speak for anywhere else in the country but I’m sure you can still use these tips.
The National and State portion have two different scores.
When I took the test, it felt like I was taking two different exams. There is a clear and distinct difference between the national portion and the state portion. For me, the national portion was a little bit easier than the state. Also, It is 100% possible to pass one and fail the other. No matter how confident you feel about one side, you should make yourself just as confident for the other side. Both portions had a different amount of questions and therefore had a different scoring model.
No one knows the questions beforehand
No matter what study guides you study, you will not know the questions that are going to be on the test. My friend and I took our tests at the same time, on the same day but both of us had totally different questions on our tests. Luckily, they were based on the same principles but still, they were different questions. Be careful when you purchase guides or take courses that promise to give you the questions, most likely, it’s not true.
The exam prep crash course helped
I’m glad that I took an exam prep course. If I would not have done that, I don’t think I would have passed on my first try. I took my prep course exactly 2 days before I took the actual test. I did this so that the information would be fresh in my head. You learn so much when you take the full real estate course. If you’re like me, you’re likely to forget a lot by the time it’s time to take your exam. The exam prep course crams all of that information into one or two days. This was extremely helpful and I would recommend everyone take one of these classes shortly before your test.
There were so many trick questions
Be prepared for questions that will try to trick you. The real estate exam isn’t meant to be a walk in the park. I quickly noticed that the test was full of trick questions. You must make sure that you are confident of your answers. The test was 100% multiple choice but that didn’t make it any easier. There were a lot of questions that required me to do calculations. I’ve never been the strongest math student and I was quickly reminded of that on this test. Also, there were many answers that looked very similar so take your time and make sure you are selecting the right answer. Don’t be surprised if you see the same question twice, it’s only a trick. Answer confidently each time you answer that question.
You can never be too prepared
The real estate test was one of the hardest tests I’ve personally ever taken in my adult life. Honestly, after it was done, I was surprised to receive a passing score. As I stated above, you don’t know what the questions will be and the test is full of trick questions. Therefore, study, study, study. Do whatever you need to do to be as prepared as possible. While I was studying, I purchased a flashcard app on my phone. This helped out a good amount. I also purchased Real Estate License Exam for Dummies from Amazon. This actually helped a good amount also. I recommend that you do anything you can to make yourself more confident.
Once you pass your real estate exam, it is going to start you onto a new career path. With that being said, make sure you take it seriously. Like anything great in life, you must work hard for it. The real estate career is no exception. You can make a good amount of money as a real estate agent. Just know, how much money real estate agents make is totally dependent upon how hard one works.